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Salman “Sal” Khan of the beloved online learning resource “Khan Academy” has teamed up for a new project. The team, including Khan, will take part in an initiative to make financial literacy a fundamental element of nationwide education. Additional partners in the initiative include the CEOs of Walmart, Bank of America, and Disney, and the commissioners of the NFL and NBA.

The “Financial Literacy for All” initiative begins with a 10-year commitment to help youth and working adults navigate their finances.

Sal Khan has improved global literacy for decades

For his part, Sal Khan has already helped millions of students navigate everything from basic literacy to complex math. As the founder of Khan Academy, he has had a hand in the supplemental education of almost 50 million users. The free resource contains “10,000 unique videos, 3,000 unique articles, and 50,000 unique exercises” according to Skoll.

Khan Academy began in 2008. While tutoring his young cousins in Louisiana, Khan began posting tutorial videos online. They were a smashing hit. Soon, he expanded his videos and began growing his platform. Now, teachers and experts in all areas of learning contribute to the ever-growing database.

In 2020, Khan also aided in the transition to virtual learning. Specifically, he updated Khan Academy with recommended schedules for different ages to help parents navigate the new learning landscape.

Learn more about Sal Khan here:

Sal Khan Expands Khan Academy for At-Home Learning


Nicola Young

Nicola Young

Nicola Young is the Managing Editor of Hayat Life. Prior to this, she earned her BA in Psychology and Philosophy from GWU, and her MA in English and American Literature from BU.

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