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Ramadan Top 30 Illuminator: Issam Freiha

Each Ramadan, Hayat Life honors 30 extraordinary Cultural Muslims who have been an integral part of shaping and improving our society in the last year, unveiling one Ramadan Top 30 Illuminator each day of the holiday. Some are global pop cultural icons, while others are unsung heroes making extraordinary contributions outside the limelight.

In that spirit, we are honored to present:

Issam Freiha: Blank Street Coffee Sells Actually Cheap Coffee—in NYC

With many coffee drinkers complaining about the cost of coffee, Issam Freiha set out to make a change. With his co-founder, the two brainstormed ways to offer genuinely cheap coffee. The solution: a small menu, a small space, and quality, affordable goods. Grown from a single cart in Williamsburg, Blank Street Coffee now has over 30 locations, mainly in coffee carts and shared spaces, enabling them to offer low prices on a limited menu.

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