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Brothers Kash and Shabs Ahmad run Kream Developments, a world-renowned high-end autobody shop in England.  

But tuning and sprucing up the world’s most expensive cars isn’t all they do: they also give car fanatics exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to their work, and run the Piccadilly Boy Racers.  

Kream Developments offers exclusive services for exclusive cars

The brothers have harnessed the power of social media and people’s love for unusual, powerful cars.  

In 1997, they established Kream Developments. Their custom work includes everything from repairs to “virtual to reality” customization. Kash and Shabs first exposed the world to their cars when they took the Piccadilly Boy Racers supercars out to central London for all to see.  

They certainly emphasize the exclusivity of their services, since many of them include customization.  

Watch the first episode of BBC 3’s television series, which focuses on the two brothers, called “The Supercar Family: Life, Love & Very Fast Cars”:

From doodles to professional repair and racing

Kash’s love of cars began in childhood. As a child in Pakistan, he even got in trouble for sketching his “dream car” instead of paying attention to the lesson. Since then, he has actually built that car, and shared it with the world.  

The two brothers currently run the Piccadilly Boy Racers, a supercar owner collective focused on respect and creativity. “We wish to break the stigma attached to ‘boy racers’,” says Kash. “We’re respectful and we don’t break the law.” 

Although they started with sketches and basic mechanic work as teenagers, Kash and Shabs quickly worked their way up to working with supercars.  

“It all started from borrowing £500 off of my mum,” Kash told the Daily Mail. They now are the stars of BBC’s “Supercar, Superfam,” which just recently released its third season. “Kash and myself were brought to our knees when a fire ripped through our old workshop,” reveals Shabs. “So this new episode will show us rebuilding Kream.” 

Some examples of Kream Developments’ work

See some of the customization and paint process in the BBC show, such as in this excerpt showing a new paint job with a design on a McLaren: 

Watch the brothers explain how they wrap a beautiful Bentley in rose gold chrome to give it an even more eye-catching look: 

Watch Kash and Shabs’s morning interview with the BBC Breakfast Show regarding Kream Developments and their passion for cars: 


Subscribe to Kream Developments’ YouTube channel here to see more.   

Michelle Ramiz

Michelle Ramiz

Michelle Ramiz is an undergraduate student at Boston University, completing a major in Middle Eastern/North African Studies and a minor in Spanish. She grew up bilingual in Russian and English.

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