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Born to a Pakistani father and Chilean mother, American jazz guitarist Fareed Haque has spent time in every corner of the globe. He has lived in Chile and Spain, Pakistan and Iraq, and more.  

His latest album revives a collaboration with guitarist Goran Ivanovic. The two fuse the styles of India and the Balkans with Haque and Ivanovic’s seamless classical and jazz style. Additionally, IndoBalkan includes a variety of styles and musical guests, such as percussionist Juan Pastor.  

Fareed Haque tackles jazz to classical to electronic

Fareed Haque does not belong in a single box or genre. For one, he draws from a wide range of cultural influences. For another, he takes his own unique approach to the styles of jazz and classical guitar.  

An early passion for music led Haque to pursue guitar as a career. However, his first big break came not as a classical or jazz guitarist. Rather, playing with legendary singer Sting gave him his first real boost in the industry. 

This older video shows a very young Haque playing “Missing You” with Sting.

From there, Haque proceeded to record multiple albums and join a number of fusion groups. While in college, he took part in Chevere, a Latin fusion group, Zawinful Syndicate, a jazz group, as well as the Indian fusion group Summit. He also himself founded multiple group collectives, including Garaj Mahal, MathGames, and the Flat Earth Ensemble. Each of these explores a different style and genre.   

MathGames features a more electronic side of Haque’s musicality – but his jazz influences still shine through.

“Giant Steps” off of Haque’s “Out of No Where” album features strong jazz elements. Nevertheless, it also has a distinct 90s/early 2000s feel to it.

A diverse background and extensive travel fuel new sounds

Haque’s family exposed him to a wide variety of music and cultures in his childhood. He draws on these influences regularly in his music.

“My folks are music lovers – my mother is from Chile, she sang and played a little guitar,” he explains. “I have fond memories of her trying to get through Spanish and Chilean folk songs. Later on my dad, who is from Pakistan, and mom, both played records of Indian music, jazz, and classical music.”  

In addition to various musical exposures, they also travelled all over the world. Haque has visited or lived in France, Spain, Iran, and Pakistan, among others. “It was natural for me to embrace all of this and it melded together very easily and subconsciously,” he says. 

In 1981, Haque received North Texas State’s University’s Jazz Guitar Scholarship. Even so, he later transferred and completed his studies at Northwestern University. Apart from guitar, Haque has many passions, including jiujitsu and other martial arts.

He also has a niche passion for animals, such as “armadillos, flamingos, [and] llamas…It is really inspiring because a lot of the music I play reflects the animals that are not appreciated in society,” he explains. 

“IndoBalkan” combines Fareed Haque and Ivanovic in an innovative, variable album

For his latest album, Haque collaborated with Chicago-based guitarist Goran Ivanovic. Ivanovic plays primarily in the genre at times called Balkan jazz. The two musicians have collaborated in classical guitar works in the past. For example, they worked together on 2003’s Macedonian Blues and 2004’s Seven Boats.  

Their innovative work together has received much praise already. Reviews particularly note the blending of eclectic backgrounds that both men brings to the table. Downbeat Magazine called them “committed internationalists.”  

Haque and Ivanovic perform the eponymous “IndoBalkan”.

Ivanovic has a no less rich musical background than Haque. Born to Croatian and Serbian parents in the midst of the Yugoslav War, he and his family had to escape. He came from a whole family of musicians. His brothers even build their own instruments at their father’s Danche Guitar Company.


Listen to the album on AmazonSpotify, or Apple Music.   

Michelle Ramiz

Michelle Ramiz

Michelle Ramiz is an undergraduate student at Boston University, completing a major in Middle Eastern/North African Studies and a minor in Spanish. She grew up bilingual in Russian and English.

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