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“An idea is just an idea…it is worthless,” says Narrator AI’s founder Ahmed Elsamadisi. “It’s only valuable when you actually make it.” 

But Elsamadisi’s ideas turned out to have a lot of worth – when he put them into practice. His company, Narrator AI, already has two successful rounds of funding behind its back in less than 3 years.  

Narrator uses Artificial Intelligence to create a software which easily adjusts to the user’s needs. Meanwhile, it creates neat and easily readable results out of complex data for any purpose. 

As Narrator’s CEO, Elsamadisi set out to make data analysis easier to conduct and understand. To this end, he and his co-founders created “the equivalent of a data team for the price of an analyst.” 

Ahmed Elsamadisi makes data analyses readable and easy to work with

The company says that their software requires “minimal maintenance.” In addition, their models easily consolidate information all in one place.  

The company gets its name from a major feature apart from its data system, Narrator. A Narrative is a format that presents the analysis with a recommendation, “a library of shared approaches to data analyses, vetted by each analyst using our platform,” and an explanation that is less of a dashboard and more of a “story.” As such, it allows anyone to view the analysis and understand the insights – even without an background in data analysis. 

To date, Narrator has raised more than $12 million in two rounds of funding over the last two years. Elsamadisi explains that Narrative works the way that people ask questions. “In short, we tackle the same problem as most data companies … but we are the only company that solves it by innovating on the lowest-level data modelling approach…We rebuilt the foundation of data instead of trying to make a faulty foundation better.” 

Using AI to improve human lives

Elsamadisi boasts an impressive work history. Just out of school, he worked at Cornell’s Autonomous Systems laboratory, focusing on algorithms for autonomous cars. He then joined Raytheon and developed tactical AI algorithms, “four of which are still in use today.”  

In 2015, he joined WeWork as its first data engineer. Soon after, he founded Narrator in response to the challenges he encountered there. Part of his goal as a programmer and data analyst is to “Simplify. Simplify. Simplify,” Elsamadisi says in an interview. 

During his time at Cornell, Elsamadisi also worked at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He worked on a technology that helps track the size of chest tumors. This led to a GE patent, and shrunk medical costs for a certain test from $10,000 to $300.  

“Right then and there, I realized I wanted to make a difference,” he says. “It can go both ways. You can make something that instantly changes the world, or you can work on ideas that make things incrementally better.”  

Ahmed Elsamadisi on the cutting edge of data and AI

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning aren’t strangers to the data analysis field. Other than  making the process easier, they allow companies to do more with the data that they have.  

“This results in more efficient business operations, quicker insights gleaned from data and ultimately increased enterprise productivity,” says Elif Tutuk, associate Vice President of Qlik Research. Data becomes more predictable, which helps companies leverage their risks better. In addition, Narrator takes “dirty”data – full of inaccuracies or missing values – and cleans it up by the machine learning algorithm.  


Learn more about how Narrator AI works on the official website. 

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