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Successful in the odd combination of finance and comedy, Feraz Shere has made his name in the comedy scene. His forté: spot-on humorous impressions of politicians, from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders and Justin Trudeau.  

Beyond his success on Wall Street, Shere dabbles in stand-up comedy. His material ranges from jokes about daily life and being Canadian to world politics. On a number of occasions, he has shared a stage with comedian Maysoon Zayid and other Muslim comedians for the annual “Big Brown Comedy Hour“.

Currently, Shere cannot attend or put on shows due to the coronavirus. However, he continues to make fans laugh by streaming and posting his uncanny mockeries on Youtube and Instagram. 

Feraz Shere: An Equal Opportunity Impersonator

Shere has made himself known in the comedy world with fascinating impressions. He deftly takes on the gestures, intonations, and voices of some of today’s most famous politicians. He lampoons liberals and conservatives alike with equal vigor.


While much of Shere’s most popular material relies on his knack for imitating presidents past and present, he has a wide range beyond political impersonations: 

Work Hard, Laugh Hard

In addition to being a hit impressionist by nightShere has a successful day job in finance.

Shere comes from an accomplished family, which values education and commitment. His father is originally from India, having immigrated to Canada after completing his education in Germany. As a result, Shere studied hard, and earned a varied background in a number of fields. He has a Bachelor’s in chemical engineering and a finance-specialized MBA.

“When I look at the photo of my father with the prime minister, it feels incredibly improbable,” writes Shere about his father, whose educational efforts and writings on Canada’s international affairs got him invited to Canada’s Parliament Hill.

“How could it be that this man, born in a small village in India managed to find his way to this great country and manage to shake hands with the prime minister?” His mother, an artist, was nominated for Manitoba’s Women of Distinction Award in 2004.  

Feraz Shere Improvises in Times of Pandemic

As professions go, investment banking is relatively easy to practice remotely during this pandemic. But Shere has also managed to brig his “night” job as a comedian online.   

Recently, he has featured on the West Side Comedy Club’s online shows. Not only do these facilitate conversations between comedians, but they also allow for interactions between audience members. The New York Times reports that many comedy establishments are simply having their performers transmit their shows, with suggested donations or set ticket prices to access the show. “‘Close your tabs’ has replaced ‘Turn off your cellphones,’ and YouTube commenters have become the new hecklers,” the article reports.   

Meanwhile, Shere has also been advertising himself and entertaining his audience through his social media. His Twitter is full of impersonations primarily of the most famous politicians of today: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and more.  

For example, Shere wished all of his followers Eid al-Adha, from the most familiar political faces from North American news television – Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Barack Obama: 

See more on Shere’s Youtube channel here. 

Michelle Ramiz

Michelle Ramiz

Michelle Ramiz is an undergraduate student at Boston University, completing a major in Middle Eastern/North African Studies and a minor in Spanish. She grew up bilingual in Russian and English.

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