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Ali Moiz is rolling out new ways for video-gamers to interact with fans and form communities. His services also help gamers to make real money off of their hobby. Streamlabs works with major streaming platforms like Twitch and Youtube. Moiz’s start-up offers intuitive software and new ideas that help gaming streamers build their own online platforms.

Streamlabs has already processed over $100 million  in donations and tips. Online fans send money to streamers they admire, to show their appreciation. The  company has recently introduced a new Game Overlay feature that allows users to play and interact with their community on a single monitor. In other words, Game Overlay enables players  with limited gaming equipment to get involved in the rapidly growing world of live streaming.

By opening up Streamlabs services to a more casual gamer base – including fans with only one monitor – Moiz is expanding the audience for the lucrative field  of video game streaming.

Ali Moiz Sees a Childhood Dream Becomes Reality

Video games like Prince of Persia and Space Invaders captivated Moiz as a child. He dreamed of a world where playing video games could pay the bills.

While  Moiz may no longer be a kid living in Pakistan, his imagination remains just as vivid. As the CEO of Streamlabs, Moiz helps online gamers livestream their videos and collect profits through the donations of thousands of devoted fans. “By creating consistent income for streamers that are struggling, we’re enabling them to do what they love,” he says.

Now, streamers and gamers do not need expensive, specialized gaming equipment to broadcast their online presence. They just need one PC monitor, and Streamlabs.

Ali Moiz Embraces New Opportunities

Having immigrated to the US, Moiz appreciates the opportunities have allowed him to found tech companies like Streamlabs and his previous start-up Peanut Labs.

“America welcomed me as an immigrant, and gave me opportunities that my home country never did,” he reflects in a Streamlab blog post. “It didn’t matter that my skin was brown, or that I was from a Muslim country.”

After years of hard work, Moiz is now able to extend that sense of belonging to other new immigrants. In fact, immigrants make up a significant portion of the Streamlabs technical team.

Making Video-Gaming Profitable

While the livestreaming market is still young, Moiz and his team see a world of opportunity. In order to capitalize on these opportunities, Streamlabs has created a program that bridges online video-gamers and streaming websites. In short, this opens up a lucrative market among gamers and fans. Gamers livestream themselves, offering help or simple entertainment to their viewers – who in turn are willing to tip in appreciation. Some streamers are even seen as celebrities by fans.

While Moiz’s  software provides entertainment for streamers and gamers around the world, it also helps make gaming profitable – and not just on a small scale. Top streamers like “Ninja” earned almost $10 million in 2018. Other leading streamers have been able to secure merchandise and sponsorship deals with major companies like Electronic Arts.

“Streamlabs gives gamers the tools to be financially successful,” explains Moiz. “If I go to work and do a good job today, 50,000 people are going to be able to pay their rent.”


Firangiz Gasimova

Firangiz Gasimova

Firangiz Gasimova is an Azerbaijani student on her last year at Boston University, where she is completing her degree in Political Science. She is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Hayat.

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